Equity Bridge Consulting is the only Medical Affairs company that leverages the expertise of medical professionals and academic experts along with established community partnerships specific to bridging the diversity gap in clinical research.
About Us
Our Approach to Medical Affairs
Learn more about The EBC Way, our three-tiered path towards FDORA compliance.
Our Mission and Vision
We’re out to change the world. Here’s how.
Reaching People Across the Globe
Equity Bridge Consulting is best positioned to help our partners achieve their global strategic goals.
Our Leadership
Meet our Founder and President.
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About Us
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a healthier world for everyone.
Our Mission
Equity Bridge Consulting provides scientific support to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostics, or other medical affairs providers to increase the inclusion of populations that have historically been un- or underrepresented in research and clinical trials. In doing so, we promise to always adhere to our core values of respect, transparency, honesty, research integrity, and inclusion. We do so in a manner that respects the historical context of such work and ultimately benefits our partners, these communities, and all other stakeholders involved.
Our Leadership
Adalynn E. Harris, PhD, MPH, MHA
Founder and President
Dr. Harris is a scientist, educator, and public health proponent who has been committed to health equity and community engagement for over 25 years. Throughout her fifteen year career in the medical affairs division of the pharmaceutical industry, where she specialized in oncology and rare disease clinical trials, Dr. Harris has co-authored research articles and offered presentations to fellow professionals about emerging therapies, health disparities, and current scientific research. Dr. Harris is a proponent for representation of minority, underrepresented, and disenfranchised groups in clinical trials and public health policy and organizes discussions, collaborations, and dissemination of medical information to key stakeholders, including principal investigators, advisory boards, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and peers in the pharmaceutical industry. Through Equity Bridge Consulting, Dr. Harris remains dedicated to opening opportunities for the advancement of medical knowledge and practices, specifically for minority communities within the US, persons in sub-Saharan Africa, and those from the African diaspora worldwide.
The Problem
Racial and ethnic minorities are sorely unrepresented in clinical trials.
85% of the World’s Population
Are people of people of Indigenous, African, Asian, or Latin American descent, yet they only make up less than 20% of clinical trial participants.
Less than 3%
Of cancer (2.8%) and cardiovascular (2.5%) clinical trial participants are African Americans, even though these Americans have the highest mortality rate related to these diseases.
5.6 Million People
Over 65 years of age have Alzheimer’s disease/other dementias and older African Americans are twice as likely to have it versus older whites.
Only 2.5%
Percent of clinical trials include participants in Africa yet Africa has 25% of the world’s disease burden.
Our Solution
Increase industry bandwidth to provide efficient medical affairs expertise
Medical Community and Patient Advocacy Education to overcome barriers to participation
Healthcare Workforce Diversification to build an accessible pipeline of medical professionals
Reaching people across the globe
In today’s medical affairs' landscape, the ability to reach populations that are representative of the planet is paramount for success. From the United States to the Carribean to Sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world, Equity Bridge Consulting is best positioned to help our partners achieve their global strategic goals.
Ready to Learn More?
Let’s Start a Conversation!
Talks and
May 31, AME Zion Midwest Mega Conference, Indianapolis In
Dr. Harris Presents to Leading African American Faith Based Community.
February 1-15th, Urban League of Central Carolinas, the Urban League of North Carolina and South Carolina and High Point University
Dr. Harris speaks to community leaders, educators, and students about disparities in healthcare.
Africa Hepatopancreatobilary Cancer Consortium, Accra, Ghana , West Africa
Dr. Harris Presents on Clinical Trial Capabilities in West Africa.
Articles and News
Dr. Harris and Co-authors delineate cancer healthcare disparities in ethnic minorities
Dr. Harris and co-authors shed a spotlight on the lack of research conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa
Recently published guidelines from the FDA aim to expand eligibility criteria in clinical trials
FDA mandates that trial populations are representative of those with the disease/condition
Dr. Bennett brings a welcomed approach to our marketing efforts. Learn more about Dr. Bennett.
Our Partners
Trusted by the leaders in pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostics industries and other medical affairs providers
Equity Bridge Consulting, we move research forward
Equity Bridge Consulting
Medical Affairs
Inspiring Impactful Change in Health Equity
We move research forward.
©Equity Bridge Consulting
© Equity Bridge LLC
POBox 5871
Greensboro North Carolina, 27435
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